Superb! Lovely fluid playing - very sophisticated. I hope you tour the UK some day! Best wishes Rich, yours, Steve
Guitar Jam in Em

Superb! Lovely fluid playing - very sophisticated. I hope you tour the UK some day! Best wishes Rich, yours, Steve
# 1

Hey Steve - So glad to see you pop up!!! Thanks so much for listening and your kind words. I'd love to go to the UK one day, though when I do I doubt it will be to tour ZZSmilieZZ.
# 2

Really, really nice. I am so far behind you on guitar. Everytime I think I am making progress, I hear guys like you and I get depressed. Gives me something to strive for. Thanks.
# 3

Originally Posted by: richray01
Really, really nice. I am so far behind you on guitar. Everytime I think I am making progress, I hear guys like you and I get depressed. Gives me something to strive for. Thanks.
Don't let it depress you...though I know what you mean. There are PLENTY of players on this forum that could totally blow the doors off this making my take seem like kindergartener level playing LOL.
This "adding things outside the pentatonic box" is something I've been dabbling with for doesn't come together overnight. I'm far from a master of it...there is a decent number of clams to be heard here, but I have more hits than misses lately, so I consider that progress...progress I can feel good about. ZZSmilieZZ
Just keep on playing guitar!!
# 4

Super cool playing and the tone....the tone!
Funny, I was considering this backing track just half hour ago ZZSmilieZZ I am glad you did your stuff on the track. Very tasteful selection of notes.
# 5

Originally Posted by: RGX312l
Super cool playing and the tone....the tone!
Funny, I was considering this backing track just half hour ago ZZSmilieZZ I am glad you did your stuff on the track. Very tasteful selection of notes.
Thanks for grabbing a listen. That patch I found on my Eleven Rack is pretty amazing. I looked at the details of it, and it is a Marshall Plexi totally dimed with some delay and reverb added. So THAT'S what a dimed marshall sounds like ZZSmilieZZ. It's nice to get that tone without going deaf or having the cops show up at your front door.
It probably doesn't get any more classic than an LP with '57 classic pickups and a dimed marshal.
# 6

Wow...went to edit my original post and it somehow was deleted ZZFrownZZ.
Anyway, here's the track this thread was about. Basically this is my little adventure to expand the pentatonics a bit with some legato runs thrown in. Things worked well more often than usual on this one.
Anyway, here's the track this thread was about. Basically this is my little adventure to expand the pentatonics a bit with some legato runs thrown in. Things worked well more often than usual on this one.
# 7
# 8

Originally Posted by: axe2
wow, that was great rich, man i would buy that jam!
Hey, thanks for that...I really appreciate that kind of feedback!
Just got myself a PRS ZZSmilieZZ. It's a CE 24...the bolt-on neck model they brough back recently. It is a tone chemeleon and monster! Great humbucker tones and single coil. Combining the two pickups in single coil mode gets close to the nasaly tone of positions 2 and 4 on the strat. Might very well be my new gigging guitar. I have to try it on my gigging setup.
# 9