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Joined: 08/10/01
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Registered User
Joined: 08/10/01
Posts: 882
07/20/2002 7:24 am

  • A guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer, took a break from their rehersal... all were feeling pretty low, no one was intrested in thier music.. and every rehersal break, they'd open their sandwiches... and find CHeese sandwiches,

  • guitarist: "we've been having cheese f-ing sandwiches for 3 years now!"
    Drummer:"yeah, I cant really take a cheese sandwich one more day..."
    Bassist:"... if we get cheese sandwiches tommorow.. I'll kill my self..."
    The guitarist and drummer both nod silently...
    The next day, they open thier sandwiches, and sure enough, it's cheese sandwiches for all of them...
    All three jump out of the window of their rehersal room, and fall to thier deaths.
    Their wives come to the scene.. Both the guitarist's and the bassist wives were be side them selves, crying thier eyes out... the drumers wife was calm..
    guitarist's wife (crying): "oh god... I should have made him better sandwiches, instead of naging him all the time..."
    bassists wife (weeping and wailing): " too"
    Drummers wife (looks at husbands body in disgust): "dumb bastard made his own sandwiches".