Tell me about your band!

I recently formed a band with a few of my friends. Our style is blues, rock, metal, and ska. We really can't agree on a name, however. What do you think of the name Whiplash?
# 1
sounds a bit Metallicaish. Good name even better song
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 2
sounds good, and probably needs much less explaination than "The Boccé Waggon"
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I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 3

My friends and I had difficulty finding a good name, too. We just played for fun and to get familiar playing with others, so we really didn't care. I was (and still am) really into majestic metal - Blind Guardian/medieval sort of stuff. Among our list were Soulblight, Odin, Ultima, Ragnarok, Event Horizon, etc. Medieval/fantasy stuff. We ended up picking Ekstasis. Look it up in the dictionary. Our bassist the brainiac found it.
Anyway, Whiplash ain't bad, but you'll be carrying around the Metallica tag. It's always best to come up with something totally original that describes who you are.
Anyway, Whiplash ain't bad, but you'll be carrying around the Metallica tag. It's always best to come up with something totally original that describes who you are.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
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Web - Photo - Audio
# 4

I play in a death metal band called Last Funeral , check out the url
The band has been around since 1993 or so, i joined in december this year.
About the name Whiplash, great song by metallica, but the name is already taken by another band.
The band has been around since 1993 or so, i joined in december this year.
About the name Whiplash, great song by metallica, but the name is already taken by another band.
# 5

I'm in a band with another guitarist and a drummer. We need a bassist desperately. We've asked a friend to join us for a few jam sessions. The only problem with this guy... he is always way too busy to practice or come over. It's like we have to adjust to fit HIS schedule. But hey, like i said, we're desperate. We're Electrik Daze. See ya.
(Sign the guestbook if u go :) )
(Sign the guestbook if u go :) )
# 6

Originally posted by Bridog888:
I recently formed a band with a few of my friends. Our style is blues, rock, metal, and ska. We really can't agree on a name, however. What do you think of the name Whiplash?
I am in a four-person band called the Notlaws. We got the name from our former bassist's last name spelled backwards. its weird how you think of these things. we play blues-classic rock influenced rock with a slight metal twist. Its a lot of fun.
# 7

My new band is Evil Eye. We just started. All original music in the indie, punk, hard rock vein.
Our site is just now under construction -- we just now have our first gig lined up.
Our site is just now under construction -- we just now have our first gig lined up.
Shred Like Hell
# 8

Hi!!! I play in a band called 'Carnal Grief'.
I got that name from a mixture of to other bands songs/albums. At The Gates has released a singel named 'Gardens Of Grief'.
And the Carnal part I got from the song 'Carnal Forge' by Carcass.
The bandname Whiplash is not that great cause of the total rip off of the song by Metallica. And like that other dude sayed, It was already taken, and I get the feeling that there is atleast 10-20 bands with that name all around the globe. Athough it sounds great. =)
I got that name from a mixture of to other bands songs/albums. At The Gates has released a singel named 'Gardens Of Grief'.
And the Carnal part I got from the song 'Carnal Forge' by Carcass.
The bandname Whiplash is not that great cause of the total rip off of the song by Metallica. And like that other dude sayed, It was already taken, and I get the feeling that there is atleast 10-20 bands with that name all around the globe. Athough it sounds great. =)
/Johan Lindgren
# 9