I have two of them. One is a solid Spruce top with flame maple sides and bottom. The other DG-22S is a solid spruce top with ebony nat sides and bottom. The flame maple is the prefered one. Both have a great tone/presence for their price. But since they were discontinued in 2005, you may wait a short while, before one pops up on the internet. They made quite a few of them, so the wait should not be too long. I paid $180 for the new/discontinued DG-22S Spruce/Ebony Nat version from Musicians Friend in 2007. I liked it so much, I found a "mint", used DG-22S Spruce/Flame Maple version for $200, on Ebay.
Here is a Flame Maple one for sale on ebay now. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fender-DG-22S-Flamed-Maple-Dreadnaught-Acoustic-Electric-Guitar-/232062643952
Here is a used solid Spruce top/ Flame Maple sides and bottom(prefered version) Fender DG-22S for sale at Reverb. $300plus$40shipping here. https://reverb.com/item/1013692-fender-dg22s-natural?_aid=pla&pla=1&gclid=CjwKEAjw652_BRDfkebVrdOGkDISJAD0Q2RujsTAlFi9ISBzfCRXlzxT-DQK3835cW_Ni1o6VzNF2BoC9qPw_wcB