Originally Posted by: bsterling9I don't see how Takin' Care Of Business is listed as just a level two on the difficulty scale.
Know that the instructors don't set the difficulty rating TMK.
The ratings perceived inconsistency has been raised and discussed previously in the forum. I suspect it's a function of ratings having been assigned over time individually as a work is completed rather than by the single perception of one person as a batch job.
Not cast in stone, take them a grain of salt as 'roughly indicative'.
So it's not just you.
I just went and looked at the song parts played in toto here. [u]Thanks for the heads up bsterling9[/u]. I remember this playing the radio in its heyday. Another good one to add to my songbook.
Here's my take. Not a particularly fast tempo at 127BPM, or at least I don't think so, but I'm used to a lot of The Beatles early material. 125ish +/- 10BPM is pretty standard CCRish pace. Easy enough.
If it helps, from a perspective (early intermediate player datum) almost (late Feb) 3 years in with GT, I'd rate the song a [u]solid 3[/u]½ guitars maybe a 4 guitar difficulty [u]for the lead part alone[/u] based upon its bends, licks, vibrato and how much is going on overall. The [u]rhythm part is an easy 2[/u]. I suspect whoever rated it may have just looked at the first 30 seconds of the vid and applied a 2 rating.
Tom giving us a fab song tute job again. More from Tom please.