View post (how important is speed??.....really)

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Joined: 07/19/02
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Joined: 07/19/02
Posts: 10
07/20/2002 7:30 pm
i would just like to say that i don't understand why people would think i would speed it up. gulder made a very good point when he said that the fast part sounds sloppy. it is impossible to sqeeze all those notes in one second and not have them blur together, isn't it. the human ear can only pick up sounds so quickly, so physically, it is impossible for notes to be played that quickly and not be blurred and sloppy. that should be proof enough that i didn't speed it up. also...when you speed something up even if the pitch stayes the same, the pick attack is changed. it is very obvious, because the pick attck is barely detectable. you can hear the pick attack on my sound file. i pick the first note on every string and you can hear the attack if you listen closely. that would not be the case if i had speeded it up.

plus, why would i post a hoax on this site. how would it help me. maybe lami has a low sense of self esteem and he would do something like that just to make himself feel better but i have noting to gain by it. i don't care if you believe me, i have nothing to prove to you. i posted it to try and show a new technique, not to prove myself as a guitarist.