View post (how important is speed??.....really)

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Joined: 12/31/01
Posts: 57
Joined: 12/31/01
Posts: 57
07/20/2002 10:12 am
Lalimace, it's not because your ego is endangered you should pick on this guy :) lets give him a fair chance. I don't it's speeded up tho' cause it would change the pitch, but then again that can be altered too. Besides, if he speeded up the whole thing he surely played the thing slower and CLEAN. When you listen to the samples, even when slowed down it sounds very unclean (no offence ofcourse).

Maybe you should practise with a metronome ? Ehehe :)

Edit : To post something on topic : Yes, speed is important. I think it's the most important factor of todays guitarplaying. Lets face it, without speed Shawn Lane, Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Steve vai, ... would never have become famous. But since speed comes with practise you should also respect the melodic/rythm part of music as the theory. It's tempting to practise on speed only and I don't think it can hurt, but you will find yourself stuck in a rut much faster playing shred stuff only. Don't let anybody ever tell you shred is emotionles ! When a pianist plays helluva fast he's a virtuoso. When a violinplayer/ster plays helluva fast (s)he's a virtuoso. No matter how ****ty their speedy stuff sounds. When a guitarist on the other hand plays helluva fast he's just another guy who wants attention and plays without emotion. People who claim that are just plain dumb imho...

[Edited by Gulder on 07-20-2002 at 05:18 AM]