View post (Any left handed players out there?)

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Joined: 11/07/17
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Registered User
Joined: 11/07/17
Posts: 95
06/22/2020 7:11 am

when I was at school in the 50s in the UK left handed kids where considered has being rebelious and any time i used my left handed to write I was rapped across the knuckles with a ruler the same happened when I used a knife and fork.

Well it did not work I am still left handed.

In the 60s-70s I started to learn guitar on my friends guitars upside down I managed to learn the the 3 basic cords G-C-D but struggled with the rest, my friend did not or could not teach me.

then about 1969 I saw left handed fender style guitar in a shop selling suitcases.

the man who own the shop let me pay a little each week and a 6 months later the guitar was mine.

It was terrible the action was high remember there was no guitar techs around for the general public then.

But I was starting to learn. then my home was broken into by vandals and the smash what the could not take, and took my gutiar.

I gave up trying then. started again a couple of years ago have 4 left handed guitars.

There is so much around for left handed people now all the old stigmata seem to have disappeared.

Sorry this is so long.
