I kept the pickups stock because they sounded fine. And I already have a variety of Strats with HS3s & other pickups. I used it in this vid to demo a treble booster pedal. I used this guitar precisely because they are standard Fender single coils.
Originally Posted by: JeffS65Which brings me to the next point; we can tell you anything about a pick-up we like. This doesn't mean it will work for you.
+1000! :) And what Jeff said about pick attack is also right on the money. The type of pickup will affect your tone. Gear does matter & will shape tone. But it's important to remember to find what works for you, regardless of the brand, who else uses that gear, etc.
It's fun to check out gear demos & listen to the sample clips on the product websites. But it's no guarantee it will sound like that in your hands. Sometimes it's possible to find a guitar at a music store with the pickups you are considering buying. Then you can actually play them & see how they sound in your hands!
Hope this helps!