Power Chords on Acoustic

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Joined: 06/19/15
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12/27/2015 1:19 am
Hi Folks:

Question for Lisa McCormick and others with more experience than me.

Is it ok to play power chords using index finger and ring finger only, with ring finger activating notes 5 and octave? having trouble using ring and pinky for 5th degree and octave. Thanks.
# 1
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12/27/2015 3:43 am
Hey the answer to this question is whatever you want to do is ok. Playing guitar is a perfect example of you get out of it what you put into it. I know from experience that the pinkie is weak but like everything it can be strengthened in a relatively short period of time.

Do the spider exercises with all 4 fingers up and down the fretboard and you will soon find out you can play that Power chord with all the fingers in the best place. Its a boring drill but I think the single best drill for strengthening and improving accuracy.

Playing the chord the way you suggest is not wrong its just not right.
# 2
GT Staff
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12/27/2015 11:55 pm
Originally Posted by: jeffreycassadyHi Folks:

Question for Lisa McCormick and others with more experience than me.

Is it ok to play power chords using index finger and ring finger only, with ring finger activating notes 5 and octave? having trouble using ring and pinky for 5th degree and octave. Thanks.

My honest opinion is that it's better to engage your pinky. There's no "right" answer, but I would advise pushing yourself to get your pinky finger to fall into line.

What I eventually ended up doing was playing power chords with my pinky finger playing the 5th degree instead of the octave.

Just my opinion, but I would advise leaving your index finger free for other notes.
# 3

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