Going from chords to songs

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Joined: 12/02/15
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Joined: 12/02/15
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12/02/2015 1:58 pm
Hi all,

Left-handed player from UK here.

Just learning the basics at the mo, currently chords.

My questions are these, i'm looking at learning the main Chords firstly as I've been advised too start from there. It seems the song are built up from notes and not chords and if so how to I move to learning songs once I can play chords.

Also are song books meant for right-handed players or left.

Just need a bit of guidance as to what I should be learning really.

I've tried before but given up because I was trying to play a right-handed guitar when i'm left handed. Which while on this point why is it left handed guitars the right hand moves along the frets while the left strums and vice versa? seems strange??
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GT Staff
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GT Staff
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12/02/2015 7:22 pm
Originally Posted by: LEON.PINCHIN78Hi all,

Left-handed player from UK here.

Just learning the basics at the mo, currently chords.

My questions are these, i'm looking at learning the main Chords firstly as I've been advised too start from there. It seems the song are built up from notes and not chords and if so how to I move to learning songs once I can play chords.

Also are song books meant for right-handed players or left.

Just need a bit of guidance as to what I should be learning really.

I've tried before but given up because I was trying to play a right-handed guitar when i'm left handed. Which while on this point why is it left handed guitars the right hand moves along the frets while the left strums and vice versa? seems strange??

Not sure I understand your question about right vs. left hand. It's setup that was simply because that's the way left-handed players play, with their right hand controlling the fretboard and their left hand strumming.

As far as getting from chords to songs, I would recommend just start playing some songs and learn to listen for the chord changes.

Here are a few easy ones to start with:


If you're comfortable with chord changes and shapes, the only thing you can do to get into songs is just jump in and start working on them.

I'd recommend playing along with a backing track or MP3 if possible.

Hope this helps!
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