i had that too once or twice.. my guitar.. i placed it on top of a bar-chair for there was nothing else in sight and went away to the toilet. when i returned it lay on the floor and i was like OH MY GAAAAWD!!!?!?!?!?!
suprisingly it didnt even have a scratch. later i discovered that someone just took it and placed it there because he needed the chair *LOL*
and once i had my guitar on my back in one of those gigbags. and suddenly BOTH of the straps tore off and my guit hit the floor real hard and it made this nasty sound.. you know - when you can hear the springs attached to you tremolo. from that moment on it had a deep cut on the bottom where the guitarstrap is fixed. but it still is in tune and all.
i wonder why certain guitars are so fragile - a friend of mine had a gibson guitar and one day he had it leaning on the wall and it fell and the neck was broken. mine fell from like one meter and it was almost unharmed.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]