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Joined: 02/10/01
Posts: 743
Joined: 02/10/01
Posts: 743
07/02/2002 8:28 pm
it's not easy, i've gone through a couple bouts. there is no easy way to get rid of it. i usually have to wait it out. most of the time i pick up my guitar, lie down, lose my eyes and just play some not too difficult riffs. it's relaxing, but doesn't get rid of the depression. only time seems to do that. good luck, man.
To improve technique and of course trying to keep all as clean as possible. I know my own limits and speed limits and so on I never play anything I'm not capable of. That wouldn't make any sense. After three years of playing I tried to play everything as fast as possible and that sounded, I would say, like shit, and I didn't realize that if I'd play bit slower things than I was capable of playing then everything would sound much better.

--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By