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Joined: 06/26/02
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New Member
Joined: 06/26/02
Posts: 4
06/28/2002 11:01 am
I'd be really interested to hear about any other of Zakks tricks not as in scales but as in tricks. Just little signatures and things like that because I totally agree Zakk is the F****n man there just is no other guy playing guitar as good as him and he aint no asskisser either and he hates Dave Grohl and thats just awesome! Down to Earth has a specific trick I would like to know and I'll come back with the track and time so you can help me with it. Guitargod dude who has wisely invested hours into the art of the Zakster tell me a couple of obvious Zakk tricks I might know em but I might not and I'd like to re-affirm things rather than risk not hearing anything new at all. If anyone else knows any please contribute AND IF YOU DONT KNOW WHO ZAKK IS FOR GODS SAKE FIND OUT! ps Guitargod420 do you have any stuff I can hear of your own I'd be really interested to hear some Zakk influenced stuff.