1. Start this backing track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9SKwI7yXN0
2. Find the key and try play along with the chords a couple of times
3. Now try to solo over it!
4. Now try to solo over it, but this time imagine that it's 2 people talking to eachother, and ONE of them is crying her/his heart out. The other one is then trying to explain the situation to sooth the pain for the crying one (maybe someone he/she held dearly had died).
I tried this today randomly, and holy moley did it sound great. Use the blues technique with the answer and respons phrasing. For the crying phrases use alot of crazy bends and higher notes played more aggresively. For the talking one try to use lower notes that are not picked as hard.
I promise this will sound great to you! I almost cried myself when the backing track was over. I dident know i could do something so beautiful on this wonderful instrument!