Fender-MIM Strat

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02/18/2015 4:45 pm
I recently purchased a 1996 MIM Strat for $250. It has a great classic strat sound. After doing some research online I read that the Mexican Fender factory was using pickups and electronics made in the US in the mid 90s. This was because the mexican factory burned down and they needed to get up and running as quickly as possible. Did anyone ever hear about this?
# 1
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02/19/2015 2:27 pm
Originally Posted by: rtb67This was because the mexican factory burned down and they needed to get up and running as quickly as possible. Did anyone ever hear about this?

Sure, though mostly only known to Strat gear heads. :)

"On February 11, 1994, the Fender manufacturing plant based in Ensenada, Mexico burned down. Fender President Bill Shultz decided to temporarily move production from the Mexico plant to the U.S. plant."


Congrats, you got a great deal on a great guitar. Enjoy playing your Strat!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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# 2
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02/19/2015 4:03 pm
Thanks Chris.
It has that classic strat sound i was looking for. It sounds great even with my playing :) I do have to get the frets trimmed at the edges though. Ill get a fancy strat one day. Im here in NY near the Sam ash and occasionally go in and try the expensive ones. I play very low though.
# 3
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02/19/2015 5:47 pm
Huh, that's a really interesting factoid! Never knew that.

Even Fender's MiM guitars are quality. My brother just bough a MiM P-Bass. It is just gorgeous and smooth as buttah!

There is no substitute for fender strat sound, it's very distinctive.
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02/20/2015 1:14 am
Absolutely. I'm a strat fan. You don't realize it until you play one.
# 5
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02/21/2015 4:19 pm
Originally Posted by: rtb67Absolutely. I'm a strat fan. You don't realize it until you play one.

I was never, ever a Strat fan...ever.

Right up and until I owned one.

See my Straty in the middle. You can get some good and funky Strats. Mine took a while to figure out what it was. It is a Made in the USA Strat but I could never narrow down the serial number. It took foever to figure out. At first I thought it was a late 80's MIJ Strat. Not a bad thing since the MIJ's were made to pre-63 specs. But it was USA...Still, the serial number did not match up to an MIJ or a USA....Then, after much digging, I found that the serial was a Made in the USA but for international export. It was made in 89 so I had that right....

I've been so busy lately that I haven't played it much and the last time I grabbed it down, it was in dire need of a set up.
# 6

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