I've been playing guitar for 3 years now and i have three ibanez guitars. The one i play the most is my RG270 and the neck is a bit warped so i just want to buy another guitar. I've been eye balling the Ibanez Universe uv777bk for about year now and finally have the money to buy it. Are they really worth the money and how hard is the transition from 6 to 7 strings? I'm pretty good at the guitar i can play most things except for the advanced crazy Malmsteen,satriani,petrucci,vai, and johnson stuff.. Was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what guitar to buy.
One more Question.... Does anyone know any good cures for stage fright? I mostly play solo in my room and never really play for anyone except my girlfriend and parents. Whenever someone else asks i usually scew up n forget what to play how to play it. Then if i do remember it sounds like im picking the strings with a dinner plate. Does anyone have any suggestions or will just playing anyways and working through it help the most?
If anyone has any suggestions at all id appreciate it a lot. Thanks.