Overdrive and distortion pedals for Peavey Vypyr 30W

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12/29/2014 7:26 pm
I initially thought about Boss but heard that they suck with solid state amps. I would think that with all the options available on tone, etc for this amp I could replicate the sound like Godsmack or whatever but I haven't figured it out. Should I bother with separate pedals and if so what are some good choices?


# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/29/2014 8:29 pm
Hi Mark,

I found this in the Peavey forums:

Stompbox: XBoost
Amp Model Used/Green or Red: Rec - Distortion
Effects: Bypass
Pre-Gain: cranked
Mid: 1
High: 5,5
Post Gain: 3

Guitar: ESP LTD ec401 with active EMG´s
Tuning: Drop D

Here's a link to their forum: http://peavey.com/forum/index.php

You may want to poke around in there a bit to see if you can find some more settings suggestions. Good luck!

GT Admin
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# 2
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12/29/2014 9:59 pm
James, thanks for your response! I will look at the Peavey forums more closely!

# 3
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12/29/2014 10:55 pm

With a solid state amp, you want to try to stay away from using pedals in my opinion. Wait until you get a tube amp so you can get the best tone from these pedals. It's a world of difference.
# 4
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01/01/2015 12:55 am
The Boss DS-1 works really well with solid state amps, i used one for years, it will sound better through a valve amp but IMO everything does but if you are after a decent distortion pedal that will last you a long time the Boss DS-1 is a good choice
# 5

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