Originally Posted by: KasperowI started playing guitar voluntarily at the age of 21. Prior to that, I had played both Bass Guitar, Keyboards and Electric Guitar in school but only because it was an obligatory part of it (and I hated it back then... Funny how much that has changed...). I bought the coolest guitar I could afford, and practiced as much as possible, trying to learn from books, but without any success. Then I looked on Youtube, and found some lessons by a guy named Justin Sandercoe (I'm pretty sure I've misspelled his name...), made a bit of progress since I could now see how to actually hold the guitar and play simple stuff like a D Major Chord. But Youtube is horribly badly structured for learning anything in a step-by-step way, so I ended up confused by all the things I wanted to learn to do. And by accident, I ended up clicking on one of the old "Guitar Tricks Channel" videos, learned a couple of tricks from some of those videos, and decided to try out the lessons offered by a free membership... I made a lot more progress here than with Youtube (not that the lessons I found on Youtube were bad. Youtube itself was the problem). And that's pretty much it. I'm still here, practicing as much as I can, even when more important stuff like exams is getting in the way :)
Did you do, or are you doing, the Core fundamental courses?