
# 1
Originally Posted by: harlandcoxwhat sort of slide is better,glass,brass or metal
It depends on what kind of sound you want. GT has lots of great tutorials demoing the sound of the slide!
Hope this helps!
# 2

If it's any help, I found out that I prefer brass slides. And I've also seen most rock musicians use that kind. Some blues guitarists as well.
# 3

# 4

I actually prefer a glass slide but use a metal slide for live performances. In case a drop it ..
# 5
Some of it is taste too. My personal preference is bottleneck/glass. It has a warmer sound to my ears and that's what I like. The reality is, I'm probably going to go out and get a bronze/metal one too. They aren't terribly expensive and give you tonal options with benefits to each.
Still, it's what your ear wants to hear. Here's a great article in the subject.
Still, it's what your ear wants to hear. Here's a great article in the subject.
# 6