My pickups finally arrived at Guitar Center earlier today and I had the tech replace em. I started out with a MIM Strat (2013) everything stock. But I order the:
HS-3 for the neck
Area 67 for the middle
Crunchlab for the bridge
This was my first time buying new pickups, so I wasn't really sure how much of a difference this would make. But I did a lot of research and listened to a lot of videos and I decided these were the ones I wanted. I'll start with the HS-3.
Dimarzio HS-3: this thing sounds sooooo much better than what I was working with. You really have to crank up the gain and/or overdrive to get the same volume and tone from other single coil pickups. But I believe that's why this thing sounds so great. You can overdrive the crap out of it, it sounds clean, and the tone is exactly what I was looking for. I can get an Yngwie type tone, and it's even perfect for Jimmy Hendrix type licks, which I wasn't really expecting. I also noticed that the distance from the strings really changes this things tone. I found out that I like it pretty low for a slightly warmer tone.
Dimarzio Area 67: I don't use my middle pickup very much, but the reason I go this one is because it's actually pretty close to the American Strat pickups. So I go to this one when I want the standard Strat sound (although it's a little bit better in my opinion).
Dimarzio Crunchlab: this is the one I was really surprised by. I wasn't sure what to expect. But it's not even that this thing is extra "crunchy" or super heavy (although it is a bit), but it's the fact that it sounds so clean and crisp! And I didn't know those words could be used in the same sentence as "crunch" or "distortion." John Petrucci was my influence for getting this. And even in a Strat, when I play some of his rhythm from a few of their songs, I can get it to sound EXACTLY like the recording.
So if you're thinking of getting any of these pickups, do it!