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Jure G
Registered User
Joined: 12/16/14
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Jure G
Registered User
Joined: 12/16/14
Posts: 28
01/12/2015 8:00 am
Originally Posted by: barry brightI have been playing guitar for many years. I never learned how to play scales completely. I don't know which ones to learn. I've copied leads all my life. I finally found guitar tricks with overwhelming information. It's great but where do I start. I consider myself an intermediate guitar player as far as being a copycat. But I can't improvise. I get lost on the fretboard during a solo. Any suggestions. Thanks

Start by learning the scales that your favorite guitar player use. If you're into old school blues you don't have to know all the scales steve vai uses.
It's really important to know what to do with the scale once you learn it. dont learn tho whole neck at once. try with one simple fingering pattern and than find a backing track and jam over, just playing scale slowly and listen, how the notes sound, do they sound right, or do the sound kind of off. or what feelings you get. in order to do that you really have to play slowly. mindlessly playing over a finger pattern will rob you of the ability to play anything meaningful.