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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,406
12/07/2014 4:48 pm
Hey, there! Glad you are enjoying GT. :)
Originally Posted by: barry brightI never learned how to play scales completely. I don't know which ones to learn.[/quote]
If you haven't already you should start in the Guitar Fundamentals 2 course. I cover intervals & scales from a total beginner perspective.

Since you are an intermediate level player & have copied leads all you are after here is the conceptual understanding of how scales work. After chapter 1, then skip down to chapter 7 in which I teach systematic ways to practice scales.

After you start getting the hang of the GF2 beginner scale exercises, then start to work on Anders's rock or blues courses. He does a great job of showing how to start making licks, riffs & melodies with very basic easy to understand scale patterns. And he uses chords often as a gateway into those ideas! You'll probably get the most out of starting at Level 2.

In rock, jump into chapter 2 where the lead ideas start.

In blues 2, jump in at chapter 1 where the scale ideas start. Then chapter 2 Anders applies those ideas to real blues licks!
[QUOTE=barry bright]I consider myself an intermediate guitar player as far as being a copycat. But I can't improvise. I get lost on the fretboard during a solo.

The way to approach improvisation is:

1. Know which scale(s) or key(s) you are working in.
2. Target chord tones.
3. Build a vocabulary of pre-established licks you can play in any given situation.

I cover some of those ideas in these tutorials.

I cover the idea of how to approach them using pentatonic boxes as references in these tutorials.

Hope this helps! Ask more if necessary & best of success with your guitar playing!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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