I've been playing guitar for a little over two years now so I know most of the basics of soloing. I like to play a variety of music, mostly 80's metal & speedmetal but I also like to have a kind of classical sound in my songs. I've always had problems when I wanted to get a different sound from a progression that I was jamming. I haven't really spent much time on learning a bunch of chords because it's really boring to me and I mostly play lead. But then one day it finally came to me when I was practicing a song I wrote that mainly uses double stops. I was applying the double stops diatonicly and I realized that you can make a chord out of any scale using two or more of the notes in the scale. This allows me to get whatever sound I want out of the progression and makes it so that I can try different soloing ideas and write songs that have my own unique sound to them without having to learn all the different chords and theory. This has really helped me a lot and I hope it'll help you if you're having problems with trying to get the sound you want.
If you have any questions about what I'm talking about just post them and I'll answer them as soon as possible.
[Edited by keepingitbrutal on 06-11-2002 at 01:19 AM]