The basic F chord! Beginner!!

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Joined: 08/29/14
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09/03/2014 3:44 pm
You all would of heard this already I'm sure, but I am really really struggling with the F chord in the 1st group of lessons! It is the first chord I just cant seem to do anything with! The first 2 strings just don't ring clear no matter what I seem to do!

Any hints? Cheers guys!
# 1
Henrik Linde
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 06/23/10
Posts: 157
Henrik Linde
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 06/23/10
Posts: 157
09/03/2014 4:25 pm
As with any of the more complicated chords it helps to really stop and focus only o that one specific chord.
If you're playing a progression with the F chord in it, simply stop that and only focus on the F chord. Make sure your fingers are where they're suppose to be and just keep working on that one chord.
It's obviously hard to determine if you're grabbing the fretboard in a strange way but it is a pretty common issue that people have when getting to these types of chords.
There are really very few (if any) shortcuts when it comes to chord voicings. Just put down finger by finger and keep strumming, when you find that it starts sounding strange or you get deaf notes you can at least see what fingers aren't working together or what combination of fingers starts to deteriorate the sound.
After that just keep at it.
It's important that you're focusing on getting the chord right, listen to the timbre of the notes.
When you're getting the sound you want from your chord, start by not holding any chord or play any progression, just go from not even playing anything to gripping the F chord. So just a free hand into the voicing.
If this sets you back a bit it's totally fine. You would've already made progress at this point. Then again, just keep at it until you build up to where you can go from another chord and change into the F. Remember to do this very very slowly at first, rushing is only going to be frustrating and prolong the progress.
As you further move along, at some point, you will have no problems with this chord and this issue you're having now will be in the past.

I really hope this helps you a bit, the most important thing is to keep at it and practice consistently at a slow pace.

# 2
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09/03/2014 7:27 pm
Henrik is spot on in his recommendation. I started GT in late February and struggled with the F chord. I am now able to make it sound good with other chords at 50 bpm. Not great but I am making progress. I make it a point to practice this chord for a minimum of 5 minutes every time i pick up my guitar.
# 3

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