Having trouble keeping count while strumming.

I must have absolutely no rhythm. I can tap my foot and try and count but I always lose the beat/strumming pattern. This happens often when skipping down or up strokes when trying to get a different strum feel. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
# 1
What are you trying to count.quarter, eight, triplets or 16 notes.
And you should use a metronome.
And you should use a metronome.
# 2

All of the above. I tend to lose count when say switching from an all quarter note down stroke pattern to a strum pattern that would add an eighth note or two up stroke to the mix. So down, down, down, down, I'm ok. switch to down, down up, down, down up, down. That's when I lose the beat/count. I hope it makes sense.
# 3

I'm trying to think of some helpful advice, but honestly I started with patterns that came natural to me. I would stick with what feels natural to you, then once that feels really easy, you might find yourself adding in extra strums here and there. Just try to feel the rhythm, and like axe said, definitely use a drum beat/metronome.
# 4

I would suggest slowing it down...slow it down to 60bpm if you have to. Use a metrenome or a drum machine to play along with. Also, listen to the pattern over and over again so you can get how it sounds in your head.
Another thing to do is practice just the strumming pattern. Mute all of the strings with your fretting hand and strum the pattern. You'll get a percussive effect that allows you to strictly focus on the rhythm of the strumming pattern. This way, you are focused on one single thing.
Also, don't be afraid to walk away from it and come back. You may have to do this multiple times. It happens to me all of the time when I'm learning something very new to me. If you find it just isn't clicking after some honest effort, move onto something else and come back to it the next day.
Be persistent, but give yourself time...you'll get it!
Another thing to do is practice just the strumming pattern. Mute all of the strings with your fretting hand and strum the pattern. You'll get a percussive effect that allows you to strictly focus on the rhythm of the strumming pattern. This way, you are focused on one single thing.
Also, don't be afraid to walk away from it and come back. You may have to do this multiple times. It happens to me all of the time when I'm learning something very new to me. If you find it just isn't clicking after some honest effort, move onto something else and come back to it the next day.
Be persistent, but give yourself time...you'll get it!
# 5

Another thing to do is practice just the strumming pattern. Mute all of the strings with your fretting hand and strum the pattern. You'll get a percussive effect that allows you to strictly focus on the rhythm of the strumming pattern. This way, you are focused on one single thing.
The above is great advice, just add time to get it down.
Another thing to do is practice just the strumming pattern. Mute all of the strings with your fretting hand and strum the pattern. You'll get a percussive effect that allows you to strictly focus on the rhythm of the strumming pattern. This way, you are focused on one single thing.
The above is great advice, just add time to get it down.
# 6
All of the above, and I would practice that pattern on one stringa slowly with a metronome.
And get quarter notes down, before moving on to eighth notes ect. This is not a rush game.
better to play slow and clear, then fast and sloppy. Now im sure you heard that one before.
And get quarter notes down, before moving on to eighth notes ect. This is not a rush game.
better to play slow and clear, then fast and sloppy. Now im sure you heard that one before.
# 7

I had another thought cross my mind, are you simply having problems getting your two hands/arms to do something else at the same time?
Try tapping on your head with your right hand while rubbing your belly with other left hand. Is that easy or kind of hard? If it is hard at all, I suggest you do that for a count of 8, then switch, left hand taps and the right hand rubs, try not to miss a beat, like moving from one measure to the next. Do not switch your hands places, just what they are doing. If it becomes easy, switch your hands places and start again.
Try tapping on your head with your right hand while rubbing your belly with other left hand. Is that easy or kind of hard? If it is hard at all, I suggest you do that for a count of 8, then switch, left hand taps and the right hand rubs, try not to miss a beat, like moving from one measure to the next. Do not switch your hands places, just what they are doing. If it becomes easy, switch your hands places and start again.
# 8

# 9

Me too. I can play 1 & 2 & . . but when I try to count it or say it out loud, it gets all mixed up.
# 10