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Joined: 08/11/14
Posts: 34
Registered User
Joined: 08/11/14
Posts: 34
10/21/2014 9:46 pm
I think that my overall experience is like the one previous mention here. I begin on August with GF1 then last month move to GF2 but I hit the wall that my fingers need more practice time.

Almost every day I dedicate practice time with warm up exercises, playing some Metallica intro stuff (easy for beginneers like me) and more important chords changes. For me is very important the chord changes because I´m mostly focus on rhythm than lead. Also a couple of scales some days.

To keep me motivated I´m moving forward beetwen GF2 and learning songs. After this my plan is to move to rock section and after blues. This also coming back in learning more songs.

Overall GT is a great site I love the overall experience and learning here.