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Joined: 05/30/14
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Joined: 05/30/14
Posts: 10
08/01/2014 5:35 pm
When I got to the second fundamentals section on House of the Rising Sun, I started to slow down. I needed way more practice to get my hands moving and it was getting boring just playing the same thing. I hit a wall. So, I went into the blues course and found the first several sections very accessible. Now I plan to go back and forth, probably digging into the rock and country sections when I hit another wall; always returning to chip away at the other sections.

It took me two months to get to this point, with varrying amounts of practice time. I imagine it will take me a while to get through all of it because I'll likely keep taking detours. Remember, you shouldn't expect to master all the elements that are covered before moving on. I lost two weeks on a theory tangent researching things that I shouldn't expect to understand before my hands are comfortable.

A professional musician (and teacher) friend said that as a beginner, it's more important that you learn to PLAY the guitar and stay motivated, then it is to try to "learn" the guitar through and through.