View post (How should I handle un-serious band-mates?)

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Steve Barrow
Registered User
Joined: 04/20/12
Posts: 132
Steve Barrow
Registered User
Joined: 04/20/12
Posts: 132
06/12/2014 3:53 pm
Hi Mr Kasperow,
Any successful band needs some relatively charismatic person with a clear (and not-too-vague) musical vision - then the other potential band-members need to buy into that vision in a positive and cooperative way. If they don't, it's never going to happen - and the person with the initial vision will just become more demoralized and frustrated. So I agree with Mr Axe - get rid of these time-wasters and try out for some other people! Being a solo player may be a solution for you but it won't be anywhere like as satisfying as being part of a proper band. Good luck with it all, Steve