I wanted to get your guys take on rest, meaning taking a day or two break and not playing at all. I've been playing for 8 months now, I've been completely obsessed, playing at least a couple hours every day. But a couple weeks ago I had a really bad flu, and I couldn't play for 2 days. When I picked up my guitar again, it felt like I was better out of nowhere. Then I realized it might have been because my hands were fresh and not sore at all.
Now that I've been playing every day again, right now I notice my left hand (fretting hand) is extremely sore, especially in the middle of my fingers and in between them. But I practice speed exercises, spider exercises, arpeggios, etc a lot.. basically stuff that's really demanding on my fretting hand.
So maybe I need to take a day break, like every week or every other week?
Any input would be appreciated!