I have just received my Ibanez RG7-621... It rocks, my hand feels so good on the neck, and I have just blasted my neighborhood's windows... Cool...
I own a 7 strings!!!
# 1
# 2
I feel like a kid everytime I get a new guitar (that's the 6th one)
# 3
Good on yer, mate!
I've got six guitars as well. I sometimes feel like I'm better at buying 'em than playing them :o
I've got six guitars as well. I sometimes feel like I'm better at buying 'em than playing them :o
# 4
lalimacefolle..cherish the feeling, revel in the new guitar smell.
8 BTW, and only half are really fit to play..
I think it's known as GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)as in "By the way honey, I have a really bad case of GAS today -i'm just going for a walk". You get sympathy when you go out and a frying pan round the head when you come back - with "another damn guitar" ;)
8 BTW, and only half are really fit to play..
I think it's known as GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)as in "By the way honey, I have a really bad case of GAS today -i'm just going for a walk". You get sympathy when you go out and a frying pan round the head when you come back - with "another damn guitar" ;)
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 5
Can't ever have too many guitars, when women start complaining, just bring up the topic of their shoe collection, it won't reduce the swelling or win the arguement, but it'll make you feel a little better,
Hey a 7string, thats one better than a 6 string!
Hey a 7string, thats one better than a 6 string!
# 6
Enjoy the feeling man, I got one a few months ago too (not a seven strings I'm still working on the 6 others!).
Turn the amps up! If it starts raining, that's just God's way of saying you're too loud.
# 7
# 8
ive actually never even tried playing on a 7 string! Are they much different, like the way they feel amd stuff?
Who would call their kid Bruce anyway???
# 9
Well, the transition for me was quite easy, since I have large hands.
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Nothing like playing that open D chord and reaching up with the 2nd finger and putting that low D in the bass, huh!!
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