Hey from the Ozarks

I joined GT about a month ago, already I have learned a lot. For once I found a lesson plan for guitar that I can stick with. This is going to be fun. Looking forward to many enjoyable hours of learning and playing my guitar.
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Welcome mac. I'm also in the Ozarks
'99 Historic '57 Les Paul Custom Black Beauty - '14 Gibson LP Studio Pro - PRS SE ZM - Peavey AT200 - Peavey Milestone Bass - Yamaha A3M - Laney IRT Studio - Blackstar HT5RH - Bugera V22 - THR10 - Boss GT-001 - Fishman TriplePlay[/FONT]
'99 Historic '57 Les Paul Custom Black Beauty - '14 Gibson LP Studio Pro - PRS SE ZM - Peavey AT200 - Peavey Milestone Bass - Yamaha A3M - Laney IRT Studio - Blackstar HT5RH - Bugera V22 - THR10 - Boss GT-001 - Fishman TriplePlay[/FONT]
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Welcome. You found the best place to learn.
Learning guitar, one chord at a time...
Learning guitar, one chord at a time...
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