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Joined: 02/06/25
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Joined: 02/06/25
Posts: 0
05/11/2014 1:15 pm
If there is no challenge
There is no change!
Keep up with that tune.i wish i would of kept on learnin it.
And gilmore is one of my favorit players.
Its not all about how fast you can play a lick,rather then how you play that lick or a scale run ect.
See when you learn a song,you learn the technics that come with it.
Here is one way to practice ur half/whole step bending..
Say ur on the 7th fret of the g string,plug the 9th fret on same string and bend to you hear that picth on the 9th fret.thats a whole step bend.and do the same on the 8th fret bend to that note.and just keep doing that.then you can take it over too the b string and do the same thing.allot of the pros bend up too 5 fret picth,useing there trem bar of course.good luck....