Music Theory, Song Writing and Katy

john of MT
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john of MT
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03/25/2014 8:44 pm
I'm not much into pop and not much into Katy Perry. I concede that she's OK to look at and her song productions are entertaining. I also concede that I'm just a nubie when it comes to music theory and song writing. Still all in all, this article was fun for me... "Explaining the genius of Katy Perryā€™s ā€œTeenage Dreamā€ā€”using music theory" .
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 1
Slipin Lizard
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Slipin Lizard
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03/25/2014 9:16 pm
Interesting read, thanks for sharing!
# 2
Douglas Showalter
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Douglas Showalter
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03/28/2014 3:38 am
I love all kinds of music, and this song for me is a prime example of how to write a hit song. It's hook after hook after hook and the production is, like you said, very entertaining.

A key thing to remember about Katy Perry is that she isn't new to the game of music. She has been around for years, having a christian music career and even being the singer of a band with super producers THE MATRIX. Her first record, before Teenage Dream, did quite well also. The producer of this song, Dr. Luke, was the guitarist on SNL for over a decade and all the hands in making her music are great musicians as well as pop song writers.

Where as not all pop music has such a strong muscle behind it, I have always enjoyed Katy Perry as her and her team are great musicians that also know how to win over a mainstream audience. Cool article and thanks for sharing!

- Douglas
Douglas Showalter
# 3
john of MT
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john of MT
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03/28/2014 11:56 pm
And thanks Douglas for the backstory. I didn't know about Dr. Luke's role. :)
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
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04/06/2014 1:15 pm
Just a little somethin' extra here...An important thing about theory is knowing how to use it creatively and that's what this story is really about, I think.

I think of it in terms of being a master craftsman. You can make a gorgeous piece of furniture only by having the creatively to think it up and then have the skills to execute it.

They are hand in hand in many ways.
# 5
Greg Frus
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Greg Frus
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07/20/2014 4:20 pm
Good article, thanks!!
# 6
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11/08/2014 3:06 pm
Great article!
# 7
Jure G
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Jure G
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12/28/2014 1:51 pm
Dr. Luke and Max Martin are two of the best songwriters/producers alive today. Anyone interested into modern pop songwriting and producing should get familiar with those two guys.
Katy did a lot of homework on songwriting and it's not like she was just born with the ability to write/cowrite cool hooks and melody lines. Songwriting is really a craft once you get to know it form the inside.
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02/12/2017 5:15 pm

This article blew my mind :D

# 9
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03/07/2017 7:41 pm

This is great! So many musicians I know scoff at pop music, but it wouldn't be popular if there wasn't something to it. I don't know why people are so quick to dismiss the amount of work that goes into a musician's career, no matter what the genre... Anyways, I've read a lot of songwriting books referencing pop music for lyrical content and structure, but this is the most in-depth I've seen for the actual music theory behind it. Great article!

# 10
Matthias Hornstein
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Matthias Hornstein
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08/07/2017 10:05 pm

Thanks for sharing! Pretty interesting article

# 11

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