Peace from the Wirechief
Howdy from Texas

I'm John and bought a Fender Strat and 65 twin reverb amp in 2001. Took a few lessons from a couple instructors at first but went nowhere. I want to try again after finding this forum. I love rock from the 80's. So I am going to start practicing again with the help of the forum. I always have thought playing guitar well is a God given talent, but I see it just comes down to consistent practice. Good to meet you all and play hard and have fun. Thank you to all the instructors here too.
Peace from the Wirechief
Peace from the Wirechief
# 1

# 2

hi wire,'=
I grew up on 80's rock, I love it. have two electric guitars and an acoustic sc
and an acoustic ii-=electric, Good luck.
I grew up on 80's rock, I love it. have two electric guitars and an acoustic sc
and an acoustic ii-=electric, Good luck.
# 3

Hi Chief..
Welcome to Guitar Tricks..
Plenty of instruction and material here.
ex-Texan here..
Welcome to Guitar Tricks..
Plenty of instruction and material here.
ex-Texan here..
# 4