Next generation

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02/11/2014 6:07 pm
Well this morning the schools were on a 2 hour delay in my area, and when that happens we watch 2 of our grandchildren as well as take them to school. Well I was jamming in my man cave and my 9 year old grandson walked in to watch. So I grabbed the Warlock shortened the strap, put it around his neck and plugged it into the amp. I was playing AC/DC TNT at that time so I hit replay on the computer and we jammed along. He was really getting into it after a while, as you can tell by the look on his face. We both enjoyed the time and I just might have started him down the path to be a musician.

This morning was just to much fun not to share.

Life is good today, life is good !

I always keep a camera on me so I had time to sneak a quick pic of Caleb.

# 1
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02/11/2014 6:26 pm
That's pretty cool! He's already got the guitar face down!!

My boys are 5 and 7 and my daughter will soon be 10. I'm still holding out hope to turn at least one of them into a guitar player :-).
# 2
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02/11/2014 7:05 pm
Great morning!

Why do all my kids always want to play drums?!
Main Gear: Gibson SG, Gibson Les Paul Sig T, Martin Acoustic, Mesa 5:25+, Orange OR15, Carl Martin Quattro
# 3
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02/11/2014 7:42 pm
All of my kids are drawn to the drums when we walk into a music store.

They can play drums if they want...but I need at least one guitar player!!
# 4
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02/12/2014 1:33 pm
He sure does have the face for it , don't he maggior ! I plan on letting him just do his own thing with the guitar for a while. No telling him, hold it this way, put your fingers here, strum it like this. I think that he may enjoy it more if I do that and it may keep him interested long enough to spark that fire inside of him. Then when I see the time is right I will start him on lessons. He usually gets to spend summers with the wife and I , so that may be a good time to really get him going on this.
# 5
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02/12/2014 3:23 pm
Great picture and great taste in music too!
# 6
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02/12/2014 6:06 pm
That's great!
Learning guitar, one chord at a time...
# 7
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02/13/2014 12:32 am
Thanks for the responses guys. I am glad you all enjoyed the pic. I had such a great time yesterday doing this that I went out today and bought a couple more guitars [one is a fender squire , the other a off brand, lyons I think] and a peavy bass. As well as a small amp, strap and cord, just for the grandson. Now he can choose what direction he wants to go and he will have his own equipment when he wants to jam.


# 8

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