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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,406
02/03/2014 7:58 pm
Originally Posted by: ramoncandidoJust finish the 5 pentatonic boxes by Christopher Schlegel, I wasn't confused about it because of previous knowledge from various authors of this topic. So we simply add the notes within the box to get the specific mode of the scale. For a dorian mode, a B flat major scale is used in parallel mode. Using the B note of the C major scale and flatten it to get a Bb major scale. We start with the C note for a dorian C scale. As in the case of the A minor pentatonic we use the G scale and start with the A note for a dorian scale. If this is all wrong please correct me on this. Also pattern 1 is the G shape, 2 E shape, 3 D shape , 4 C shape, 5 A shape.

Glad you checked out my lessons! It sounds like you've got the right idea.

If it helps, I find it much more perceptually & conceptually efficient to view & think of the diatonic notes as scale degrees with certain sounds rather than parallel modes, or borrowed from other scales or CAGED shapes.

So I'll use the minor pentatonic box. And if I want to play Dorian, I just see, play & hear the major 6th one fret behind every minor 7th scale degree. Then I'll see, play & hear the 2nd one fret behind every minor 3rd.

Make sense?

Hope this helps!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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