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Joined: 01/27/13
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Joined: 01/27/13
Posts: 1,723
04/10/2014 12:09 pm
Well, this is the second to last installment of this journey. Last night we had our final rehearsal and tonight is our performance of our full set of 4 songs at the open mic. 8 weeks really flew by!!

I'm SOOO glad we did this rehearsal the night before. My concern was that if it went badly, we had no time to recover. If it went well though, it would all be fresh in my head. Writing out the song forms last week worked out well because copies of it were pulled out and it was used to help our singer with some of the variations we put in.

We still have no name, so I proposed we be called "Designation: Unknown", which is nothing but a fancy way of saying "The Band with No Name". We'll see if anybody remembers that when we get put on the list by the host :-). I had also floated "Designationally Challenged", but I got a lot of puzzled looks on that one.

For myself, I feel confident that I know the song forms and that I have all of my solos under control. Last night was the first time I had that level of confidence in ALL of the songs, so that felt good. Hopefully that confidence makes it easier tonight and I can actually ENJOY the experience of playing. I'll report back tomorrow on how that goes :-).

Hopefully I'll have video to post also.

Until then...