I am a newbie to playing guitar. The only experience I have with one comes from a brief spell back in the mid 80's when I was trying to teach myself on a old Kay brand. I was about 3-4 weeks into fondling it when a work accident cost me the tip of my left index finger. The docs sewed it back on , but it is now a 1/2 inch short , dead to feelings and basically skin covered bone with a nail on it. I have grown use to not using it much and compensating by using my middle finger as my main finger.
Lets fast forward to last week now.
I work in a pawnshop part time on the weekends and last saturday a Hamer XT series, sunburst walked into the shop. I have always enjoyed looking at the guitars that come in the door and for some reason this one spoke to me. Take me home it said. So I did. Now after 30 years on hold I am going to try and teach myself how to play .
Now for the questions.
1. How much of a problem will the short, dead index finger cause me? I am right handed so it will be my neck hand.
2. Hamer guitars, quality, OK, or junk ? I have never heard of Hamer guitars before.
3. Esteban instructional videos, Worth my time or not ? I also ran across a 10 dvd series [Crystal Star -Esteban] at the shop and brought it home.
Thanks in advance,
Respects, JB.
The Hamer.