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Joined: 12/27/11
Posts: 14
Full Access
Joined: 12/27/11
Posts: 14
12/26/2013 3:24 pm
I have been playing and practicing at home for quite some time. I have even been playing with a friend once a week at his house. My confidence hasn't been the greatest, I guess because I am very critical of my ability. Friends have been trying to encourage me to play in front of others but didn't want to embarrass myself. Well a couple of weeks ago I broke the ice and played at church. I only know one song to play at church but I finally took the plunge. I would like to know who turned the heat up in the building but I managed to get through the song. I now have a more confidence and found more desire to improve my playing. I am glad that I finally broke the ice and played in front of an audience. Now I am working on more songs.