I've looked for a website with info on the ME-33 but nothing has come up in my searches.
Any Boss ME-33 users?!?
I recently picked one up. Anybody out there create any interesting patches?
I've looked for a website with info on the ME-33 but nothing has come up in my searches.
I've looked for a website with info on the ME-33 but nothing has come up in my searches.
# 1
yep i got 1 a while ago. i just try to get the sounds of famous songs that i would like to learn. i have found out 1 thing about it. i always use it on the line out setting, even when through an amp. i no u shouldn't do this but the sound it creates is SSSOOOO powerfull. i also love the delay and reverb fx, spot on. i use it with a DD-3 to give double delay fx that can sound realy weird
have u tryed the roland home site? that should have some stuff on it
have u tryed the roland home site? that should have some stuff on it
Tandem Felix
# 2
Thanks! Unfortunately, I did not find much on the Roland pages, however, I came across the following in regard to the AMP or LINE selection, but I agree with you, the sound is nice on LINE. I'm often using my noise box with headphones so when I run it to the amp I frequently forget to switch it over! As long as it's not hurting anything, it is the sound we are after, right?!?
One thing I found which I must have missed in the documentation is that the Tuner mode will activate if you press the Up and Down bank pedals at the same time, good for a quick tweak without having to bend over and press the little, tiny button on the panel.
I used the Output button to best match the ME-33's output to my input source. Since my ME-33 was plugged into the effects return of my guitar amplifier, I selected "G.AMP". When recording direct or using headphones, however, I would have selected "LINE". This setting inserts a COSM speaker simulator after the GTR AMP effect block, emulating the important tonal effect that a guitar speaker has on the overall tone.
One thing I found which I must have missed in the documentation is that the Tuner mode will activate if you press the Up and Down bank pedals at the same time, good for a quick tweak without having to bend over and press the little, tiny button on the panel.
I used the Output button to best match the ME-33's output to my input source. Since my ME-33 was plugged into the effects return of my guitar amplifier, I selected "G.AMP". When recording direct or using headphones, however, I would have selected "LINE". This setting inserts a COSM speaker simulator after the GTR AMP effect block, emulating the important tonal effect that a guitar speaker has on the overall tone.
# 3