Here's a tip from a blog I read regularly:
Three Tips for Choosing Studio Monitors Key statement:
Choose Monitors That “Fit” Your Room...Despite the obvious suggestion by some to get the biggest speaker you can afford for the purposes of better bass response, I say forget all that. Choose a speaker size that better matches the size of your control room. If you have a typical spare bedroom in a house or apartment then you likely don’t need anything bigger than a pair of 5 inch monitors. In fact, I mix on 5 inches in my own studio."
The suggestion regarding the Mackie monitors is a suggestion of what the ideal would be but in the end, 1400 clams is a lot of dough that can be spent on other things.
Buy what you can afford.
I have a Klipsch THX subwoofer/satellite set up that cost me under $250. When I mix, I turn the sub down completely and have only the satellites to use a monitors. They are great monitors for me in my multipurpose needs. I wouldn't suggest it as a dedicated studio monitor set up but the point is, you can make any good speaker/monitor work.
Here's a review for the 'under $300' range: