Clicking on "blues" style button doesnt' lead to organinzed lessons.

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08/17/2013 9:00 pm
I have been working hard on the core lessons and am almost ready to move on to learning the different styles. I like to check out what I'll be learning in the future so I've been poking around for awhile. I was disappointed after clicking on the different styles that there wasn't an obvious "start here" place to go. THEN just today I clicked on the "my guitar tricks" button (for some reason I never had before), and lo and behold there were links to "blues style level 1" and so on. I just double checked and these links are not available after clicking on the "blues style" button. I would think that it would be at the the top of the page. All I get are "featured blues instructors", "most popular blues tutorials", "most recent blues tutorials", and "blues tips and trick" and these subjects are not organized in any kind of obvious progression that I could tell anyways.
I seem to spend a lot of time poking around trying to figure out what you have. The nice thing is that I keep discovering more lessons I'm excited to get to learn. There is a lot to learn on this site.
Also I'd like to suggest that there be links to songs and/or other exercises that would enhance a particular lesson/level to make it more interesting and provide more practice material for a particular level especially for the chord changing lessons. That's when I find myself navigating through the rest of your site when I get bored practicing the same exercise but not yet ready to move on.
I've also noticed that not all the songs you teach are in your song list. It would be nice to be able to quickly access even the simple lesson songs.
# 1
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08/19/2013 1:32 pm
Hey zanhorsezanhorse.. From the Home page If you click on

then "Core Learning System"
and for example In the FLOW CHART top left
"Course: Blues Style Level 1"
You should read this...

-----------------Course: Blues Style Level 1

-----------------Table of Contents

-----------------Chapter 1. First Law in Blues: Intro to the 12 Bar Form

-----------------Course: Blues Style Level 1

-----------------Table of Contents

-----------------Chapter 1. First Law in Blues: Intro to the 12 Bar Form

I hope this will help..
# 2
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08/24/2013 6:02 pm
Thanks for pointing that out. If you go "lessons" to "learn guitar styles" to "blues" (or whichever style) or click on a "style" button on home page, the "course" isn't an option (or not obvious anyways). I would strongly suggest that a "course" link be added on these pages as well.
# 3

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