still giving it my best shot

hi, i joined about a year ago im retired and 66 years old i get about an hour and a half of practice 6 days a week. im able to switch on the easy chords but f and b still need a lot of work. i practice the scales on low e and a with the 1234 and the 123 234 345 etc i would love next year around this time to be able to jam with other people. that is my goal! i love to get better no matter how long it takes.
# 1

Good for you Jimmy, stick with it! Your goal of being able to jam with others is a good one.. in that regard, I'd recommend focusing mainly on chords. Scales are great, but they can take a long time to "get under your fingers" as it were, and even longer to feel comfortable enough so that you can improvise a solo in a jam situation without going right off the rails. Chords on the other hand... well, everyone loves a good rhythm player! You'll probably find knowing basic chords the biggest pay off in a jam situation. Keep at it!
# 2
Yep, what Slipin said. Scales are nice but I jammed once with a guy that spent all his time learning scales and could hold a rhythm. It was not good and not fun.
Flip side; a band I was in, the other guitar player really only played rhythm as his choice (though he did do leads on some stuff and his touch on slow leads was gorgeous). He was a bedrock and great to play with.
Flip side; a band I was in, the other guitar player really only played rhythm as his choice (though he did do leads on some stuff and his touch on slow leads was gorgeous). He was a bedrock and great to play with.
# 3
Jamming is a great goal Jimmy, and don't worry the F and B were the hardest for me too (most everyone, I think)
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# 4