Agreed, my words were a bit harsh with the "ALWAYS", I should have taken the time to clarify that. There are times where using a metronome is not going to help as you pointed out in your examples. I agree.
Having said that, I would suggest not letting the pursuit of mechanical perfection prevent someone from using a metronome. Find a balance and find it quick. If not, it becomes way to easy to find that comfort zone where you never use one. I know this from first hand experience and it sucks.
If you're simply practicing scales, whip out that metro, you've created the basis for a great riff, whip out that metro, you're practicing arpeggios, whip out that metro. I will take back the 3 "always" statements and relent to just 1.5 "always statements. ;)
Go off and have fun noodling around, but don't be lazy like I was for many years. It will come back and bite you in the butt some day.
[U]Ricks Current Mystery Video[/U] - Updated Monday March/02/2015