When I write a song, the chorus and verses, both lyrics and music, usually come pretty quick. I usually have a melody in my head and write the lyrics, and usually have something I feel is "hooky" for the chorus. Then I put the music to it.
But then, I feel obligated to have some sort of bridge. There I get stumped. Lyrically (to me), a bridge is sort of a fill in for the story of the lyrics. It can pull everything together, tie up loose ends, or make stand out statement; different things like that. I can usually come up with something that fits lyrically, but have the darndest time musically. It usually just sounds "made up" to me.
And then, transitions... I don't like to repeat the same old "hold the last chord and build up". I try to create chordal transitions, but they sound either redundant to the previous progression, or just sound out of place. Transitions are probably the hardest thing for me.
Anyone able to give me an "Ah Ha"! ?
...so ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.