This is my first post, so I hope I have it in the right spot. I went thru both fundamentals and almost finished with the 1st Country and also started on the 1st rock. I have seen some major improvement and really having fun, EXCEPT....I struggle so much with my right hand picking the correct strings, say with boom chick strumming on a G chord then switching to the C chord. It doesn't matter if I use my acoustic or my electric I always will miss my string every once in a while and I would think I would be over it by now! On the electric I have my pinky finger touching the bottom of my pickup to keep me positioned, which helps but when I have to strum, well then I loose it. Anyways, What can I do to over come this. I have practiced slowly and put a lot of time in, but I'm platued and I dont want this to bring me down.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!