What's music to you?

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05/28/2013 3:06 pm
Originally Posted by: Andrew Tintle

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent"- [Victor Hugo]

Stealing again. Love the quote +1 Andrew!
# 1
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05/28/2013 3:08 pm
Originally Posted by: HarvieKrumpetThe amazing thing about music is it's ability to trancend the barriers that divide us from one another.

Music definitely unifies like very few things on earth. Concerts are simply the best.
# 2
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05/28/2013 3:09 pm
Originally Posted by: StringybarkMusic is the language of my heart and soul. It's main function is to lift my spirit to a higher plane of joy and satisfaction.

Well put. Feel the same.
# 3
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05/29/2013 5:17 pm
This is pretty cool documentary.

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.
# 4
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05/30/2013 7:37 pm
Originally Posted by: TravisWright

What's music to you?

Unlike most responses, I never really listened to music to change my mood or make me feel a certain way. I listened to music that spoke to me in a way that I already felt, but couldn't or didn't know how to explain even to myself. I will say though that listening to something for the first time like "Manic Depression" by Jimi Hendrix or other songs dealing with teenage angst made me "feel" better knowing I wasn't alone or the only one feeling frustrated and directionless. But the purpose wasn't to make me feel happy, per se.

Later, I found music that spoke in a way that had to do with deeper beliefs. I was a little young at the time for sophisticated lyrics like Bob Dylan, but when I heard 2112 (Congrats to Rush for finally being inducted to the R&R HOF) and it's individualist anti-statist message, I was bowled over. I thought that was so awesome.

Then hearing the power of "Made In Japan" by Deep Purple was something that could just totally get me out of what I then considered the pain of reality. I would say that it was more of a cleansing thing than looking for a particular feeling kind of thing.

It probably took Mozart to get me to appreciate instrumentals. I remember a music teach in grade school who used to always play "Peter and the Wolf." I hated it because, I've always hated overly joyful music. I don't know why. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but that's the way it is. Anyway, when I started listening to Mozart I was astounded that someone could put a symphony together like that with all of the different instruments that go into it. Especially when you consider they used to separate the first and second violins so that one would come in your left ear and the other would come in your right ear and the effect would be something that neither group was playing. That's some heavy cr*p to me.

I must also say that I'm not artistically gifted at all myself so it may be that I can have an especial appreciation for something that many of you might take for granted or get bored with. I struggle with learning guitar, but it's fun and challenging, and I'm amazed when I can play something that sounds artistic that I never thought I could.
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.
# 5
john of MT
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06/20/2013 1:30 am
Here's something...available as a poster or tin sign from various sellers on the 'net including Amazon and EBay;
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 6
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06/22/2013 11:15 am
Originally Posted by: bobbysan07Unlike most responses, I never really listened to music to change my mood or make me feel a certain way.

Either I absolutely disagree with this or totally am on the same page with what you said...huh? I should explain.

I think the music I listen to reflects by mood. So it is mood oriented.

I went through something awfully devastating a few years ago. Something that requires a person go through stages of grief, if you get my drift. When I wanted to really cry it out, there were songs that would reflect that. There were times were I was just so angry. I needed some 'kick you in the teeth' metal (example - warning: language).

So, it's not that the music made feel a certain way in as much as it reflected my mood and helped me during those moods and emotions.

Now that enough times has passed and I a much more normal (well, that's subjective ;) ), I still use music the same way. It's like when you go to dinner, you look at the menu to decide what you have a taste for.
# 7
Pig Iron
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07/05/2013 1:48 pm
Music soothes the savage beast. I believe music is nothing more than communication. Whether instrumental or vocal, the things in my head
have to come out, for others pleasure, when it works right.
# 8
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07/18/2013 8:38 pm
as a practicing physician/semi weekend party performer where left brain is the dominant drive in my daily routine, music ensures my right brain won't atrophy to a peanut size. But the best part is it ensues a splendid substitute from my wife's yelling and screaming :)
# 9
Gregg Richards
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07/19/2013 9:34 pm
What a great topic and discussion.

Music to me is a way to express and to relate your feelings...to what though? If you're in a mellow happy mood you play (or find someone else's music to listen to) in "that mood".

Sometimes (in fact, usually) I play someone else's music and try to do it better. How can I POSSIBLY play some other guy's music better? Only one way really, and that is to make it fit the mood of the moment. Music is the conduit from which feelings are transposed, transmitted, shared, surmised, and I could go on speaking abstractly all day, and never getting to where I want to be with this statement...so share your music, because it isn't really music until you share it - God bless...
# 10
john of MT
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john of MT
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09/03/2013 8:16 pm
I just finished reading "Zen Guitar" by Philip Toshio Sudo. Near the end of the book I found this;

"Before we set foot on the path, music is just music to us -- something we enjoy without having to think about it. But once we dedicate ourselves to playing, music becomes something more. On this second step, music is not music so much as our passion, our sweat, our soul, our religion."
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 11
David Portelli
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09/06/2013 4:32 pm
To me music is personal and emotional expression which is directly related to were you are at in life when you write the music

# 12
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10/03/2013 5:50 pm
For me Music is something that invokes harmony. Its a beautiful form of energy that touches my very core. Its something that helps me get closer to myself, helps me to love myself. Helps me to see beauty and love.
# 13
Eric Von Kimble
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Eric Von Kimble
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10/03/2013 6:31 pm
I remember when music was so inspirational to me I couldnt wait to get back to my guitar and learn and play with no limits. when I went to school to learn it kind of killed my flow, but its recent resurrection in my life has been even more worthwhile because I do have such an appriciation for music now thay I understand it in depth and am coming to a point where I want to be the best I can be and make a great living doing it.

I put my instrument on the back burners so mamy times because I felt like all my work and practice will never pay off, but now I see the opportunities clearly and that gives me hope, power and drive to see my music come to life.
# 14
Eric Von Kimble
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Eric Von Kimble
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10/17/2013 7:21 pm
I remember when music was so inspirational to me I couldnt wait to get back to my guitar and learn and play with no limits. when I went to school to learn it kind of killed my flow, but its recent resurrection in my life has been even more worthwhile because I do have such an appriciation for music now thay I understand it in depth and am coming to a point where I want to be the best I can be and make a great living doing it.

I put my instrument on the back burners so mamy times because I felt like all my work and practice will never pay off, but now I see the opportunities clearly and that gives me hope, power and drive to see my music come to life.
# 15

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