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Joined: 04/13/13
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Registered User
Joined: 04/13/13
Posts: 52
05/03/2013 10:46 pm
I remember when music truly hit me. It was like an epiphany. It was no longer about a scene, cool sounds, expression, or revolution. It was something even more. It was more than magic and a lost art that is still carried soul to soul. It's more than something mysterious that when done with the right heart, it instantly transports you no matter how much or little you knew. It's pure.

I have seen others share how the 'thrill is gone.' As we grow, I think how we relate to what we put in our heads and how we feed our 'souls'... how we use music changes. It should. I think it's easy to associate certain music with certain times of our life that no longer are us and we 'leave the scene.' It's easy to say, not just with music, yeah... been there, done that. Or... at that stage... blah blah. Kind of leads to a form of musical snobbery, which I'm not a fan of but to each their own. So...

What's music to you?