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Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
05/01/2002 7:13 am
I just lay out on the porch, twangin my ole geetar, everyonce in awhile I'll reach down and pet my ol hound dawg "Blue", light my corncob pipe, scratch myself, and the next thing you know "SHHHBAMMM", a big ol lick just hops out the geetar. Well not really, since ol Blue ran off, any how it sounds like a common problem, you have a bunch of licks and no where to put them. You have content, but no context, think of songs or chord progressions as a cake, all those licks and riffs as the icing. My approach is to come up with the chords first and then let that suggest a melody and let the licks and riffs grow out of that, I've been where you are, play a cool riff and just can't seem to cram it into anything, keep at it and you'll find an approach that works for you ..........